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Creando la casa de tus sueños: cómo diseñar un plano de casa contenedor

Creando la casa de tus sueños: cómo diseñar un plano de casa contenedor

08 Aug 2024


Creando la casa de tus sueños: cómo diseñar un plano de casa contenedor

Si está buscando una solución económica pero sostenible para su proyecto de ingeniería, un plano de casa contenedor será su mejor opción. Las casas contenedor desmontables suelen ser más asequibles y eficientes que el uso de otros materiales de construcción, especialmente cuando se planifican campamentos, viviendas para trabajadores y oficinas en obras de construcción. El plano de la casa contenedor le permite dar rienda suelta a su creatividad y lograr fácilmente muchas funciones ideales. 

Moneybox tiene 11 años de experiencia en el diseño y fabricación de casas contenedor. Contamos con los equipos de diseño y servicio más profesionales. Si no sabe cómo diseñar y construir una casa contenedor, lea pacientemente los siguientes 7 pasos, creo que encontrará inspiración en ellos.


1. Establecer presupuesto

  • El primer paso antes de iniciar el diseño gráfico de una casa contenedor es establecer un marco presupuestario sensato. La razón por la cual las casas contenedor son rentables es que generalmente utilizan estructuras de acero resistentes, paneles sándwich e instalaciones eléctricas básicas, lo que puede reducir significativamente los costos en comparación con los métodos de construcción tradicionales. Pero el monto de la inversión final también se determinará en función de la ubicación geográfica, el tamaño, los detalles de diseño y las instalaciones de soporte necesarias de la casa. El tamaño estándar de la unidad de contenedor es de 5,95 metros de largo, 3 metros de ancho y 2,8 metros de alto. Se pueden utilizar de forma independiente o ampliar en el espacio habitable mediante diferentes combinaciones.

  • Primero debe medir el tamaño del terreno para determinar el área disponible. La regla general es que el área de construcción de una casa no debe exceder el 70% del área del terreno. Por ejemplo, si posee 200 metros cuadrados de terreno, el área de construcción de una casa contenedor debe controlarse aproximadamente en unos 140 metros cuadrados. Debido a que cada unidad de contenedor estándar proporciona aproximadamente 18 metros cuadrados de espacio interior, se puede estimar la cantidad de contenedores necesarios y calcular el presupuesto de la casa en base a esto.

  • Para hacer frente a cualquier imprevisto que pueda surgir durante el proceso de construcción, te recomendamos incluir un 20% adicional del presupuesto como reserva de emergencia. Esta parte de los fondos se puede utilizar para afrontar situaciones inesperadas durante la construcción o para la adquisición de decoración de interiores, muebles y otros artículos decorativos. Vale la pena señalar que el presupuesto mencionado solo cubre el costo de construcción de la casa en sí y no incluye ningún gasto adicional como costos de envío que puedan surgir.


2. Familiarizado con las normas de construcción locales .

  • Container houses are considered a reliable temporary housing option due to their stability. The design of these residences is aimed at meeting the safety standards of construction. Although in most cases, you should be able to build container houses in your own location without barriers, please remember that building regulations may vary in different places. Therefore, we recommend that you consult your local building regulatory agency for a detailed understanding of the building regulations and requirements applicable to your area.

  • Our products have been exported to multiple countries and regions including South Africa, Asia, and South America. Based on our export experience, we have found that our container houses meet local building standards in almost all areas where they arrive.


3 Key points of container house design and planning

 If you have already determined the required construction area of the container house, but have no idea about the specific planning and design, don't worry, we can provide assistance. Just provide us with the following key information, and we can recommend the most suitable design solution for your reference:

Determine the container size

We offer standard 20ft and 40ftcontainer sizes. If these standard sizes do not meet your requirements and you need a special size container, please let us know the specific length, width, and height requirements.

Clearly define the required functional areas and their quantity 

Please indicate which functional areas you would like to include in the container house, such as dormitories, offices, laundry rooms, bathrooms, shower rooms, warehouses, etc., and the required quantity for each functional area.

Determine the number of floors 

According to our building standards, container houses can be stacked up to three floors while ensuring structural stability. Please inform us of the number of floors you plan to construct.

By providing these basic parameters, we can more accurately understand your needs and design a container housing solution that meets both functional requirements and spatial efficiency.


4 Integrating geographical and climatic features

When designing and planning container houses, it is essential to consider the following factors related to the local climate and environment:

Soil bearing capacity assessment: Thoroughly inspect the soil bearing capacity of the construction site to ensure the structural safety of container houses.

Analysis of Rainfall Situation: Considering the local rainfall patterns, we offer customized roof designs to accommodate possible extreme rainfall conditions.

Sound insulation performance improvement: If the container house is located near noisy areas, we will design enhanced sound insulation measures to optimize living comfort.

Winter snow load considerations: For areas with frequent snowfall in winter, we will evaluate the roof structure to ensure that it can withstand the additional load caused by snow accumulation.

Wind resistance planning: Understand and calculate the maximum wind speed in the area, and design the wind resistance of container houses based on the results.

Coastal environmental protection measures: If the container house is located in a coastal area, we would recommend taking anti-corrosion and rust prevention measures to resist the impact of the marine environment.

By carefully integrating these geographical and climatic features, the design of container houses will be more in line with the actual usage environment, ensuring their durability, comfort, and the safety of occupants.


5 Overview of the design phase

After the planning of the container house is determined, we will enter the design phase:

Sketch: Quickly outline the preliminary layout of the house based on the plan.

Layout proposal: Propose several home layout options for you to choose from.

3D model display: Using 3D technology to show you a three-dimensional view of the house.

Final confirmation: Based on your feedback, adjust and finalize the design plan.


6 Exterior design elements

 The exterior design of container houses provides ample creative space:

 Exterior panel decoration: By utilizing the smooth walls of the container room, various patterns or colors can be added to enhance the aesthetic appearance.

Structural expansion: Design corridors or terraces to increase the functionality of the house while enhancing its visual appeal.

Personalized appearance: By using different design techniques, the appearance of container houses is made as attractive as traditional architecture.

Through these design elements, container houses not only meet functional needs, but also provide a pleasant visual experience.

7 Compliance and durability of the project

Compliance with regulations:Ensure that the design and construction process complies with all local building regulations, safety guidelines, and environmental standards.

On site assembly:Accurately assemble, integrate and debug container houses at the construction site to ensure their efficient operation.

Continuous maintenance:Develop and implement a continuous maintenance plan and operational strategy for container houses to maintain their long-term performance.


Si está considerando embarcarse en el viaje de construir una casa contenedor, Moneybox siempre está a su lado. Siempre estamos listos para brindarle apoyo profesional para garantizar que tenga una casa contenedor hermosa y práctica a un costo razonable.


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